The story:
Elyse "Caia sent me to my room."
Mom: "Why did she send you to your room?"
Elyse still crying: "I licked the wall."
Mom: "You what?"
Elyse: "I licked the wall."
Mom: "Why did you lick the wall?"
Elyse: "To get the turkey flavor off my tongue." (the turkey we opened last night and I had some today for lunch, it was fine she just didn't like the taste.)
Mom: "Caia did you send your sister to her room for licking the wall?"
Caia: "Yes licking the wall is gross."
OK I don't know what made me laugh harder the fact that Elyse licked the wall or that Caia sent her to her room for it. Every time I tell that story I laugh myself to tears!