Count Down

Monday, October 20, 2008

This is for you Grandpa May!

Last night the girls were in the kitchen just before bed. Elyse decided that something smelled and blamed it on Payton, she smells things all the time. So I told her it's her upper lip. Hers eyes got real big and she asked "my wips?" I told her it must be, we don't smell anything. She thought about it long and hard. This morning when she got up I asked her "what smells?" She says "oh, oh, that must be my wips!"


About Us said...

Holly... your girls are so cute! I love how she say's Wips! LOL

rexburgskinners said...

Yeah you are a blogger!! I am getting obsessed! I can keep track of you my friend! The girls looks great! What fun times!We miss Moscow! Tell everyone HI!