Count Down

Sunday, April 5, 2009


March 18, 2009.

Mark brought home 3 goldfish to feed Payton's snake Sir Hiss, unfortunately he passed that day. Payton was sad, not a cryer, but she coped in her own little way she was a little more snugly that day. Elyse was trying to process the whole death thing, she prayed first that he would come back to life, after we talked about that not happening, then she prayed for sir Hiss to get better, finally she is now praying that Heavenly Father will keep him safe in Heaven. How Sweet is that!! Sis. B heard of the death and brought over something "to hug when she was missing Sir Hiss" I'm telling you she is the best!

March 26 Celtic Dance

Katie their instructor, Tegan, Lauren, Caia and Emma, waiting in the wing.

March 26, Every year the elementary school puts on International week. The last two years Caia has been invited to dance. Well I took my new little camera to record it... and forgot to put my disk back in after my last blog. So this is the little bit of video I was able to get on my hard drive. I was so sad, to have so little, because she did so well! (That's my girl on the far left!)

April is gearing up to be a crazy month. Elyse is doing her eye surgery on Thursday, as of right now I still don't know the time. It's driving me nuts! If it's too early in the morning we need to get a hotel room, and I need to find somewhere for the girls to go. I hope tomorrow I'll get more information. Her Joy School group moved the days so she wouldn't miss anything since we are working on cute little books it's a 4 or 5 week project. I love our Joy School friends.

April 5 A walk

Today we enjoyed General Conference, the day was finally beautiful and we went for a walk after dinner with Dan, and the Alvey family. I only got one picture before my battery died! New Camera mental notes, 1 make sure memory card is plugged in and 2 keep battery charged.

Tomorrow some good friends are coming over to watch the finals of basketball I hope to get some good pictures.


Lots can change in 15 sec. As I was writing this Elyse woke up crying that she was hurting, Mark went to check on her thinking she fell out of bed. NOPE it's croup. Usually she coughs before bed if an attack is coming this came w/out any warning signs. I have never heard it this bad! I had my shoes on and was grabbing my keys to head to the hospital. I was afraid to try the cold or warm air thing because it was that bad. Luckily the cold air from the door being open calmed it so we sat outside and had our Neighbor & Mark give her a blessing. Needless to say she is sleeping on the pull out bed in our room tonight. I am so grateful for loving Heavenly Father who is mindful of us. I guess we'll see how the rest of the night goes before we worry about the surgery, that may need to be postponed! My purse is packed with my cell phone and keys, clothes placed out, shoes by the door, and Elyse's coat w/some socks in the pocket. Yep I'll sleep well tonight, well we'll see....


Jackie said...

I'd love to but I don't think I have that picture. Is it one that you took or the photographer? If its a photographer one I can probably find it when we un-pack but if it is one that you have I'll stop by with my jump drive when we're at home next week for my Dr. appt.:) Thanks for the new project:D I love them!

Unknown said...

Poor baby! Croup is no fun. I hope for a quick recovery. That celtic dancing costume is beautiful! Did you make it Holly?

wendy said...

Great pictures and dancing of Caia!