Count Down

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How I Lost Mothers Day

I'm going out on a limb to say we have all threatened to cancel a holiday, maybe it was birthday with "I hope you live to see (insert any age)", or Christmas: "Santa won't be making a stop here if you don't clean your room now". Maybe even Thanksgiving: "If you don't go down stairs and stay out of the kitchen there won't be dinner for you". But how about mothers day. This is how I got my mothers day revoked.

I play Twister Hopscotch with the 2 youngest, then a round of Eye Spy 3-D (actually really fun!)

So you would think getting a shower, doing some laundry while they play "nicely" wouldn't be too much to ask. You guessed it I was wrong.


"Payton's touching me"

"Payton's hurt me"

"Payton breathed on me" (this is a common complaint she seems to know just how to breathe

on us so we all get annoyed and I'm forced to fix the problem with "Payton don't breathe on your sister.)

Payton in whinny voice and tears:

"I didn't do it"
"I won't help HER"

"She's bugging ME!"

Mom:"Payton off the computer help your sister"

Payton "No"

Mom "ugh consider yourself done for now"

Payton: HUGE temper tantrum, screaming stomping.

Mom "ugh consider yourself done the rest of the day"

Payton (yes you guessed it) Bigger stomping, yelling, throwing things off my table, the use of the harshest words a kid can muster of "I HATE YOU!"

Mom "OK if you can't control your body then I get too. Sit in THAT chair until I think you have control."

Payton "Fine (yes Sis B that's where the FINE comes from) I will take your Mothers Day presents away."

Mom: OK at this point I'm trying not to laugh and duck, not sure where this going, as she grabs one of her gifts to me, from the fire place mantel.

Dad comes home from lunch (yes by my desperate phone call for a break) and puts it all into perspective, after Payton and I fill him in on our morning.

"Sooo you revoked your mom's mothers day?!"

And that's how I lost my mothers day.

P.S. I read this to Payton while the music played, we both laughed she approved and edited all the facts, then said " I DO always love you!" And I DO always love her too!


the wrath of khandrea said...

holy smokes.

i want a follow up post where you tell all about the spanking part of the story.

Steve and Nicolle said...

I'm afraid that if Payton revokes Mother's Day, then Steve might have to revoke the Perfect Child Status...

Idaho Penningtons said...

Oh Paytie!!! Just love that girl! Sad thing is Holly she isn't even 12!