Count Down

Friday, July 3, 2009

Oh Yes She Did!

This afternoon I was sitting on my bed while Elyse is "styling" my hair. She jumps down runs to her bathroom grabs a brush, I have my head down watching TV for a few minutes, when she comes back in. I feel her playing with my hair, I hear cccrunch, and grab at my FALLING HAIR! It wasn't a brush she grabbed, it was scissors, and OH YES SHE DID! I have seen the after of kids cutting their own hair, I have read my friends complaints on facebook, Caia and her cousin had a hair cutting session at about 4 years old, but have you ever known a child bold enough to cut their mom's hair???? Seriously who does that????? Not the angel sleeping below this post. Better question am I the only mom who would die laughing over this???? (not in front of her, but now, just typing and thinking about it, I'm laughing almost to tears!!!)


the wrath of khandrea said...

note to self: no scissors in class without close supervision.

anyway... where are the pictures??? i must see her work.

Kristin said...


Mindy Markley said...

Oh my! I am sure you never saw that one coming. I am not sure that any mom would! How's the hair? Do you need help with it? I am free for emegency blending and trimming if you need it. I was just noticing a few weeks ago how cute it was too. And yes, you probably are the only mom who would laugh about that and that's what I admire about you. I would have passed out from screaming, and you laugh and blog about it. Kudos.

rexburgskinners said...

Wow! I laughed so hard.You are so brave not to cry right in front of her? Or did you?..and what happened after that to her??? Is she living at the neighbors? Yes, pictures, let's see the new do!

Moscow Monson's said...

I can't see it when I look in the mirror to look in a mirror to see the back of my head. Mark says he can't see the difference, so I'm pretending you can't tell! No pics.

Moscow Monson's said...

I can't see it when I look in the mirror to look in a mirror to see the back of my head. Mark says he can't see the difference, so I'm pretending you can't tell! No pics!

Homeschool Helper, Dee Bryson said...

HAHAHA... I am laughing too! Good thing that girl is so darn cute!!

BreAnn said...

Oh Holly!! lol

Unknown said...

Did she find a stray grey hair or what? That is such a bold move on her part, or yours (pun intended). I'm glad for her it wasn't noticeable.

Darren and Stephanie said...

for some reason... that one did not surprise me.