Count Down

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Public Service Announcement

After reading the "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" I over heard the following conversation coming from my kitchen......

P/Cindy Lou Who: "Oh Santy Clause why? Why are you taking my Credit Card WHY??"

("Then that Grinch, he thought up lie, and he thought it up quick"...)

C/Santy Clause Grinch: "I'm taking it to spend THERE then I'll bring the bill back here!"

("then he gave her a drink and sent her to bed".)

How on earth did a 10 year old and 7 year old ever come up this one? Although I'm sure this would make a great public service announcement regarding staying out of debt for Christmas! Apparently my kids get the idea of credit cards quite well. Score one for Mom!!

1 comment:

Darren and Stephanie said...

Your kids are so hilarious! How long until they have their own credit cards?